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soul fullness with shadow


Soul-Fullness is a 21-Day D-I-Y program developed by Tosin King James to help the practitioner become aware of their identity as Soul; the process and essence of seeing and operating as Soul.

Soul-Fullness is both the process and the essence of operating from the viewpoint of Soul. Since each one of us is Soul, Soul-Fullness can be defined as seeing, hearing, and acting as Soul, our true identity. Acting in this way, adopting the Soul perspective in all things and situations, automatically brings an awareness of certain innate power, creativity, and freedom that the mind, logic, culture, tradition, and society cannot give us. Soul-Fullness, the 21-day program, is a tool to assist us become aware of our true nature and some of the privileges that come with that identity.

> Soul-Fullness
> Available as:
> Hardcover
> Paperback
> Ebook
> Audio book

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> Soul-Fullness
> Available as:
> Hardcover
> Paperback
> Ebook
> Audio book